Cedar Grove Capital Management is a multi-strategy investment fund based in New York, NY. This fund is the public investment side of broader “Cedar Grove Capital”. My public multi-strategy fund involves

  • Long / Short Equity

  • Merger Arbitrage

  • IPOs

  • Special Situations

Most of my core areas of investment revolve around the consumer/retail, the consumer(tech), and cannabis spaces. As time has progressed over the decades, I believe that the continued integration of e-commerce into traditional brick-and-mortar retail leaves plenty of room for opportunity in quality names and brands.

While nascent, cannabis has made great strides over the years while being restricted by government rules and regulations. I believe that though much of the industry has faced uphill battles, the loosening of red tape on the state and federal levels will lead to the best risk-adjusted returns of any industry over the next decade.

In regard to size, I mainly focus on micro to small-cap names while trying to avoid mid to large-cap companies. I believe that there are much better risk-adjusted returns in the former than the latter but I will not shy away if an ROI meets my desired criteria.

Fund Management

Paul Cerro is the Chief Investment Officer of Cedar Grove Capital Management. He started out his career on Wall Street working in Investment Banking at Merrill Lynch covering the consumer and retail industry. During his stint at Merrill, he’s advised on over $2B in transactions and was there for the cannabis market launch in late 2018.

Since then, he’s held multiple roles within the tech industry in companies ranging from Series B to Series D focusing on strategic growth. This granular-level business understanding has proved critical in realizing the true undervalued potential in investments.

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Research Offering

What I post publicly, is essentially my investment notes for the fund. Given the time it takes for me to synthesize investments, the paid portion only applies to equity research (+ audio) while everything else will remain free.

To be clear, since this is more or less my notebook, there is no set cadence to my posts. This means that while other services post 2x a week or every other week, I only publish when I have an idea or need to provide an update.

To check out my past posts, click one of the links below.

Equity Research

M&A Trade Example

Take Private (LBO) Example

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Disclaimer & Disclosure

Cedar Grove Capital Management’s views are not investment advice. Any assertions made in Cedar Grove Capital Management’s posts represent the author’s opinion and should not be counted as investment advice. We never receive compensation for our posts other than through our newsletter subscription revenue. We have no business relationship with the companies I write about. Any investment action taken from my posts and the assumed risk of doing so fall solely on the reader.

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Multi-strategy investment fund focused on L/S, M&A Arb, and other Special Situations.


Former investment banker @MerrillLynch in the consumer goods and retail space. Currently CIO of Cedar Grove Capital Management which specializes in long/short, merger arb, IPOs, and special situation research.