Top 15 companies in the US, ranked by retail e-commerce share as a percent of total retail e-commerce sales.
Source: eMarketer, June 2022.
Note: Includes products or services ordered using the internet, regardless of the method of payment or fulfillment; excludes travel and event tickets, payments such as bill pay, taxes, or money transfers, food services and drinking sales, gambling and other vice goods sales.
Although Amazon’s AMZN 0.00%↑ share of e-commerce sales in the US dropped ever so slightly from last year, the company’s share will still be nearly 10 percentage points bigger than that of the next 14 retailers combined.
Amazon will continue to dominate, accounting for 37.8% of US e-commerce sales this year, despite seeing its lowest gross merchandise value (GMV) growth in over a decade.
Walmart WMT 0.00%↑ should be able to navigate these uncertain times by focusing on its grocery business and fostering its Walmart+ membership program.
The retailer has been increasing its Walmart+ offerings, which now include fuel discounts and the expansion of free delivery for members.
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